Family Banking System (FBS)™ Summit (EDMONTON)

WhatsApp Image 2023-09-06 at 1.45.05 PM (1)

Event Details:

Venue: Royal Hotel Edmonton Airport (Executive Royal Inn Leduc-Nisku)

Address: 8450 Sparrow Dr, Leduc, AB T9E 7G4

Date: 20th October 2023

Time: 8.00am to 4.30pm MT

What is the Family Banking Summit about?

Want to take control of your money and make it work for you and your family? Join us at the Family Banking Summit! This isn't just another “Becoming Your Own Banker” event. We're taking it to the next level! Learn how to grow your business, plan dream vacations, and give your kids a great education—all while building wealth that will last for generations. New to this? No worries! We'll show you step-by-step how to create a financial future you can be proud of. Don't miss out on the chance to change your life and secure your family's future!

It's time to look beyond Becoming Your Own Banker and create wealth that is going to last many generations to come without needing to experience any financial stress.

Your Ticket Includes:

  • Ticket to live event ($297 Value)
  • Becoming Your Own Banker Book ($40 Value) – Given At The Event
  • Lunch & Refreshment ($35 Value)
  • 1 on 1 Personal Coaching ($150 Value)
  • Customized Roadmap ($99 Value)

Total Value: $621

Ticket Price: $297

Special Pricing: $147 (77% OFF!)


Attend with an open mind and you will discover a whole new idea of what you are capable of. 

*Do note that the event will be recorded*

Hear What Others Have To Say


8:00 AM - 8:30 AM


8:30 AM - 8:45 AM

Opening Address

8:45 AM - 10:15 AM

Now's The Best Time To Expand Your Family Banking System

Discover how Jayson's Family Banking System allowing their family to recapture $60,000 a month in principle & interest that would have been gone to third party bank! Now they are able to earn interest on every dollar that was put into their family banking system!

10:15 AM - 10:30 AM

Networking Break

10:30 AM - 11:05 AM

ReThink Your Thinking Exercise

11:05 AM - 12:15 PM

How You Can Buy A House (Personal Mortgage) With An Active Business

Discover how business owner used his corporate owned policy to recapture personal mortgage (to save on taxes, purchase a home, while recapturing the growth of their wealth at the very same time!)

12:15 PM - 1:15 PM

Lunch & Networking

1:15 PM - 2:15 PM

Profit First - Discover how individuals & business owners are using the Profit First strategy to keep profits in for themselves, their business and improve cash flow management

2:15 PM - 3:00 PM

Intergenerational Family Banking + MORE

Discover how Dan utilized his Family Banking System not only for his three generations but also for more (think private lending, business start-up, etc)!

3:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Networking Break​

3:15 PM - 4:15 PM


4:15 PM - 4:30 PM

Closing Address + Special Gift To You (We have something special for you!)

Why attend?

  • Have a better understanding of how you can keep wealth within your family. This is not your typical Becoming Your Own Banker event but an event that seeks to impact all areas of your life (investing, business, personal, and many more).
  • Don't worry if you are new. Get access and network with others likeminded individuals who are looking to create financial abundance for their family and their lives.
  • Look beyond Becoming Your Own Banker and create wealth that is going to last many generations to come.
  • Discover the various opportunities (by seeing real life examples and case studies) that you have and how you can plan and implement it for your own. 
  • Meet and get all your questions answered by the Ascendant Financial Team (THE #1 INFINITE BANKING CONCEPTS TRAINERS IN CANADA)

Limited to a Maximum of 20 attendees

The # 1 worry Canadians have today is running out of money and not being able to provide for themselves and their family! Attend with an open mind and you will discover a whole new financial world.

Keynote Speaker

Jayson Lowe is the founder of Ascendant Financial Inc., a highly regarded coach, speaker and advisor to individuals and business owners nationwide.

Jayson will be speaking and showing us why it is important to have a system of policies. Over the years, as he has implemented the process of Becoming Your Own Banker, the Infinite Banking Concept, he has expanded his system of policies from 2 to 74 (and counting). What does that really mean? 

Within the entire Family Banking System, they are currently recapturing $60,000 a month which is principle and interest. That's $720,000 a year that would've been permanently transferred away from their Family and  could never EARN interest on or spend that money ever again. Now they get to reuse EVERYTHING that they repay because our total cash value never stops growing daily.

Join us at our event to discover more about how you can do the same and learn the principles of expanding your family banking system and what you can do with it. Additionally, find out the critical things you need to know when doing so!

Speaker, Panelist

Sarbloh has been exceptional coach on the Ascendant Financial Team serving & educating Households and Business Owners nationwide to take control of the banking function as it relates to their needs.

While there are many ways to grow your wealth, Sarbloh will be showing us how business owners are using this one strategy to recapture their personal mortgage using their corporate owned policy. Utilizing this together with your Family Banking System, you are able to

1) Keep your hard-earned corporate dollars
2) Minimize the taxes that you are paying
3) Compound the growth of your wealth (without them never leaving your system)

Join us at our event to discover how you can start implementing this proven strategy, recapture your hard-earned dollars and put them to work for you instead!

Speaker, Panelist

Dan Allen is a highly regarded coach and advisor to individuals and business owners nationwide on the process of Becoming Your Own Banker.

Apart from using his family banking system to finance his own livelihood, which includes vehicles, taxes, business expenses, and significant expenses related to his livelihood, Dan has now used his family banking system to help finance expenses over three generations. This includes private lending to his children for things like vehicles, major vehicle repairs, small business loans, homes, and his grandchildren's education. If you want to discover more about how you can do the same, join us for our event and hear it directly from Dan himself!



Emily Tarney is a certified Mastery Level Profit First Professional works with small businesses across Canada that want cash flow management systems and strategies to support their company’s vision.

One of the key benefits of the Profit First method is that it helps business owners to prioritize profitability and ensure that their business is making enough money to sustain itself. By allocating a percentage of revenue as profit upfront, business owners can ensure that they are taking care of their own financial needs before paying other expenses.

In addition to helping business owners prioritize profitability, the Profit First method also helps to improve cash flow management. Join us at the Family Banking Summit to learn more about how you can utilize this in your business!

Advisor Panel (1)

Advisor Panel (Don't Miss This)

In our last Family Banking Summit in Calgary, one of the most significant pieces of feedback we received was the desire for an advisor panelist session, allowing the audience (YOU) to ask any questions about family banking in real-time. This interaction has led to in-depth discussions about what people want to understand when establishing their family banking system.

So, this year, we have allocated a full hour for YOU to ask any questions you have regarding family banking. Come prepared with your questions, and we will provide real-time answers. There's no holding back, and no questions are off-limits.

Check out our 500+ 5 stars reviews on Google

Claim your spot today to the



See you next year!