Reduce Your Exposure To Tax
Using Corporate Owned Life Insurance

What is Corporate Owned Life Insurance?

Corporate Owned Life Insurance


Corporate Owned Life Insurance (COLI) refers to life insurance policies that are purchased by a corporation on the lives of its employees, with the corporation as the policy owner and beneficiary. Corporate owned life insurance offers tax advantages and significant benefits for businesses, ensuring comprehensive coverage and financial protection. Enhance your corporate strategy with policies that provide for both employers and families, leveraging the full potential of this insurance solution.

Benefits of Corporate Owned Life Insurance

How does corporate owned life insurance benefit a business?

Corporate-owned life insurance (COLI) offers many benefits to businesses. It provides financial protection by covering key employees, ensuring business continuity through key person insurance. This form of executive life insurance is a strategic tool in business planning, securing funds from insurance proceeds for various needs. Employers can also use these policies to offer benefits to top executives, fostering loyalty and retention. In essence, corporate-owned life insurance acts as a business life insurance strategy, providing financial stability and aiding in long-term planning.

What are the tax advantages of corporate owned life insurance?

One of the significant tax advantages of corporate-owned life insurance is the potential for tax-free proceeds. Companies can channel these proceeds into the capital dividend account, allowing shareholders to receive tax-free dividends. 

Additionally, the insurance's inside buildup grows without being taxed, offering a preferable tax rate compared to other corporate profits. Permanent life insurance also ensures that the company avoids capital gains taxes on the policy's growth. Overall, the integration of COLI into corporate tax planning can result in notable tax savings.


Financial Strategies for Businesses Using Corporate Owned Life Insurance

How can corporate-owned life insurance be used in business planning?

Corporate-owned life insurance plays a pivotal role in business planning. It aids in estate planning and supports buy-sell agreements, ensuring smooth succession planning. Business continuation insurance funded through COLI secures financial resources to maintain operations during transitions. 

Split-dollar life insurance arrangements allow companies to share premium costs with employees. Such strategies ensure corporate financial security and facilitate seamless business transitions. Lastly, shareholder agreement insurance can protect stakeholders' interests, making COLI indispensable in comprehensive business planning.

What are the different types of corporate-funded life insurance policies?

Businesses have several options when it comes to corporate-funded life insurance policies. The main types include permanent life insurance, which provides lifelong coverage, and term life insurance, offering protection for a specific period. Key person insurance is vital for protecting the company against losses stemming from the death of essential personnel. 

COLI policies also encompass business partner insurance, ensuring partners can buy out shares if necessary. Executive bonus life insurance is another option, helping to retain top talent. These varied corporate life insurance plans cater to diverse business needs, enhancing overall financial resilience.

Types of corporate life insurance

Key Considerations for Corporate Owned Life Insurance

What factors should a business consider before purchasing corporate-owned life insurance?

Before purchasing corporate-owned life insurance, businesses must look at several critical factors to get the best coverage and financial benefits:

  • Tax Benefits: Know how the policy will affect the corporate tax rate. Life insurance premiums might or might not be deductible.
  • Cost and Premiums: Check the cost of the policies and the premiums to see if they fit the company's budget.
  • Coverage Amount: Decide on the right coverage based on the company's liabilities and future financial needs.
  • Risk and Benefits: Compare the potential risks with the benefits of having such a policy.
  • Financial Advisory: Get advice from financial advisors to create the right corporate-owned life insurance plan.

Each of these points is key in making the decision and affects the overall benefit to the business.

How does corporate ownership affect life insurance premiums and payouts?

Corporate ownership can change life insurance premiums and payouts:

  • Premiums: Usually, the corporation pays the premiums, which can often get better rates because of more policy volumes.
  • Payouts: Payouts from these policies are usually given to the corporation, helping in business continuation and planning.
  • Tax Implications: The tax treatment of both premiums and payouts can differ, affecting the cost-effectiveness of the insurance plan.

Corporate ownership lets businesses use life insurance to cover debts, fund buy-sell agreements, and manage leadership changes smoothly.

corporate life insurance premiums and payouts

Legal and Compliance Aspects of Corporate-Owned Life Insurance

Corporate-owned life insurance (COLI) policies in Canada must follow specific regulatory requirements. These include complying with Canadian tax laws and ensuring that corporations abide by guidelines set by authorities. Companies need to align their insurance practices with legal frameworks to avoid penalties.

Key regulatory considerations include:

  • Correct structuring of COLI policies as per Canadian tax laws.
  • Regular audits to ensure adherence to regulatory standards.
  • Proper documentation and reporting of insurance payments and benefits to relevant authorities.

Corporations should consult legal and financial experts to navigate these complexities effectively, maintaining both compliance and the advantageous positioning of their COLI policies.

How do corporations ensure compliance with tax laws related to life insurance?

Ensuring compliance with tax laws related to life insurance involves several steps:

  1. Understanding Tax Benefits: Companies must know the tax benefits associated with COLI policies. Certain premiums may be deductible if specific legal criteria are met.
  2. Regular Audits: Conducting internal and external audits helps identify discrepancies and ensures that payments towards these policies comply with existing tax regulations.
  3. Documentation: Detailed records of all insurance-related transactions are crucial. This includes premiums paid, benefits received, and any policy changes over time.
  4. Consultation with Experts: Engaging with tax and legal professionals keeps corporations updated on any legislative changes affecting their insurance strategies.

By implementing these practices, corporations can manage their compliance effectively and maximize potential tax benefits from their life insurance policies.

Compliance with tax laws with corporate life insurance

Maximizing the Value of Corporate-Owned Life Insurance

Experts recommend several strategies to maximize the value of corporate-owned life insurance:

  • Strategic Policy Selection: Choosing the right type of insurance policy tailored to the corporation's needs can enhance the policy's effectiveness.
  • Premium Management: Managing premium payments ensures that the policy remains active and beneficial over the long term. Regular reviews of policy terms and conditions are crucial.
  • Integration with Financial Planning: Incorporating COLI into broader financial and estate planning helps align the policy with the company's long-term goals. This can include plans for business succession, retirement funding for key executives, and mitigating risks from the sudden loss of key personnel.
  • Utilizing Tax Advantages: Understanding and applying the tax advantages available through COLI can result in significant financial savings, allowing the company to reinvest those funds into other critical areas of their operation.

By following expert advice and applying these strategies, corporations can fully leverage the benefits of corporate-owned life insurance in their overall business plan.


Bullet Points

  • Corporate life insurance plans benefit your business by protecting key persons, facilitating business succession planning, and enhancing overall corporate wealth management.
  • With corporate insurance, the company owns the policy, ensuring that any proceeds or benefits support the company's financial goals and obligations.
  • By incorporating corporate life insurance, companies can support employee benefits, offering additional layers of security through employer-sponsored life insurance and group life insurance options.

Benefits of Tax Exemption with COLI

One benefit of having Corporate-Owned Life Insurance is the fact that payment of premiums is done with corporate profits after tax, whose taxation rates are much lower than the personal shareholder’s tax rate. Notably, the rate of corporate tax applicable to functional business earnings in the province of Ontario is roughly 15% and 50% to investment earnings. In Ontario, the highest personal rate of marginal tax is roughly 53%.

Another benefit is that when death comes, the deceased person is considered to have disposed of all their capital property at fair market value at the moment of death. This deemed disposition rule also relates to shares of a corporation. The Income Tax Act asks to evaluate the insurance policy based on the cash surrender value at the moment before death.  Generally, this value is going to be less than what the policy would pay in case of death, in addition to being notably smaller than the property’s value that probably would have been stockpiled by the company if it hadn’t bought the policy. As a result, acquiring life insurance will also help to reduce the tax that is payable in case of death with respect to shares that are owned by a private company because it will result in a reduced valuation for all those corporate shares that didn’t have life insurance purchased.

Important Considerations:

Although there exists numerous benefits and at the same time, flexible strategizing opportunities when acquiring and utilizing life insurance via a private company, there exists a list of additional items that should be considered. Corporate tax complexities, shareholder agreements, accounting and compliance in respect to capital dividends.

At Ascendant, we have Chartered Accounting, Trust and Estate Planning Advisors and expertise to make sure the planning is done accurately and that compliance and administrative items are all addressed.

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